Tuesday July 27th: Road training took us up the steep one mile Summit Road to the summit of Mount Uncanoonuc in Goffstown. The total length of the run is a 5K (3.2 miles)... 5 of us started at the base of the road (that eventually turned to 6 + a dog), all not looking thrilled to be there. I had just come from the gym so i was actually pissed at being there, but the inevitable tag of "pussy" was a great motivator to get my ass to the starting line.
Dan, Meena, Doren.. along with newcomer Ann and I headed up the steep one mile incline of "south Unc".. Now for a seasoned runner, this steep may just be a pimple on the ass of the road, but to me this uphill run was like running in quicksand... The little devil & angel guys who reside on your shoulders in such moments were tortuously fucking with my head.. Angel guy " keep running"... devil guy "fuck it Neil, let's go home and start drinking".. on and on they went.. in days past Devil Guy would have gotten the nod, but this new Angel Guy is persistent and getting stronger with each run.
So, dan and I get to the top of quicksand hill about the same time (ok dan was in front of me when we got up) but the good news is we both took a full minute off our time up the hill from the last time we ran this course... That result had Angel Guy hooting and hollering, while Devil Guy was back in his lair trying to figure out a way to get me drinking and soon!...
Once up quicksand hill we are suppose to do 4 laps around the summit and tear ass back down the steep, which now miraculously has somehow turned from quick sand to ice.... Doren, who's young strong and fast (asshole!) tears by me.. i figure he just lapped me, so i decide to do another lap around the top... little did I know that the youngster stopped along the way to take a piss, so he was just catching up to me.. that meant Neil did 5 laps around the summit.. wow am I stupid! After my fifth lap dan is curiously standing at the starting point of the down hill, he says he did his 4th lap and was waiting for late starter & newcomer Miriam and her dog (I've met some cool dogs the last few weeks) so they could go down together. I didn't understand how this could be because dan too had stopped to use nature's facilities soon after we reached the summit and he did not pass me since.... oh well, whatever, so down the hill i go... now i don't profess to being anything near a great runner but put me on a down hill and I am fucking impressive!!!! I was hauling down sooo fast my feet were literally burning, even devil guy was having a pisser at this moment! If I blow out a knee or something going at this speed, my skin would resemble some sort of steak tartar dish with ketchup and that's if I survived the crash, otherwise either devil guy or angel guy would be escorting me to my new home (devil guy may win this battle)..... I hit the bottom and there stands Meena and doran wondering why I didn't get down prior to Meena who never passed me on the top.. 5 laps at the summit my friends, that's why.. i am an animal!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, great run with fun people ... Devil guy was friggin' pissed when i broke out a bottle of coconut milk to celebrate the end of the run.. I think he feels for now anyway, he is loosing his buddy...
Here is some interesting facts about The Unc:
Uncanoonuc Mountain was a historically important Snow Train area - for two reasons! First, many skiers from Massachusetts took a Snow Train to near the mountain, and were then brought to the area. Once at the area, they took one of skiing's only incline railroads (originally built in 1905 as a summer tourist attraction) to the summit. This railroad was similar in concept to the Cog Railway which still operates on Mt. Washington.