Monday, November 8, 2010

The Voice inside my head

"wow a lot of people here look like they've done this before.. don't worry about your own race"
"fucking cold, did I dress right... that would suck if I am totally uncomfortable.. I hope not"
"ok, this is good.. I'm going at a good clip"
"wow, this is cool Manch looks great from this venue"
"Is that a band I hear, how cool.. good tune.. thanks for coming out"
"Not so bad, i can do this"
"cute butt, I'll stay here for a while"
"running up that road..I 'm running up that hill"
"just finished a 5K, 8 miles to go"
"I thought their were lots of hills during the first 6, this isn't bad.. I think I can finish in 2 hours"
"Chia now"
"hummm.. thru the park.. trail run.. legs are a little heavy, groin .. dam..  no surprise"
"looks like lots of people hanging in Livingston Park.. awesome.. good energy boost.. groin tightening"
"running up that road, I'm running up that hill"
"Mile 7, Dee & Mon giving water.. come on Neil run fast, look good"
"down hill.. nice"
"Running up that road, I'm running up that hill"
"This chick keeps walking the hills, yet she catches up on the downhill.. groin hurting I'm slowing down.. come the fuck on.. lift your legs"
"I've run further than i've ever run.. uncharted territory"
"God Dam Groin.. call on The Bonds, Owlshead, Isolation.. you know the dill.. run thru the pain"
"Oh fuck I know this hill Derryfield Park!  Fuck!"
"Come the fuck on Neil .. I'm running up that hill"
"legs won't move like before so you need to move them with your mind.. come the fuck on"
"The finish is like the last legs of a hike.. it will come but not soon enough, but it will come"
"Shit, the walking hill girl is well in front, loosing time, but still on personal pace... move forward"
"Dan..hi.. nice.... 2 miles to go"
"Last hill.. come on Neil ..come.. the.. fuck.. on"
"Elm St... cool, looks awesome down there,, that's where i want to be.. dam.. I'll finish where I expected,  "finish!"
"On the runway..need more cheering peeps.. thought there'd be more here... but run as fast as you can.. pass that asshole ....and that one... and that one.."
"Fucking done!  Give me my aluminum thing"
"Yeah!!!!! "

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

An Interview with Phil The Hiking Dog

A conversation with Phil:
Blogger So Phil, what got you into hiking?

Phil:  I had nothing to do with it, Neil.. oh excuse me, Capt. Guyot, he makes me call him that now.. stupid fucking name..  anyway, Capt. Guyot brought me to this short but somewhat steep hike around the Lake called Mt. Major.. the territory marking opportunities were endless!

Blogger: So a chance to piss on the land got you interested in the mountains?

Phil: No, not at all it was the ease at which i was able to negotiate the trails that got me interested

Blogger:  Humm, so ..(Phil interrupts)

Phil: Actually , it was realizing how much of a superior hiker I was over Capt. Guyot and anybody else he brought up the hills...  While they were huffing and puffing up the rocks, I was running and jumping like an Olympian!  Human intellect allows them to build to destroy stuff  and I think that stems from the fact that in a fair fight, we animals would kick their asses, so humans need to build in order to destroy...  humans have made their lives way to mechanized and if they were to loose their toys and machines, we animals would destroy them.. macho pricks!

Blogger:  Fuck you Phil, you four-legged fur-covered asshole

Phil:  Typical.....
Stay Tuned:  next week we speak with Maggie, The Hiking Golden

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friends Of Mount Guyot

I am disgusted and angry! Mount Guyot (pronounced Gee-o), standing at a majestic 4,580 is estimated to be the 16th tallest mountain in The White's of New Hampshire. The iconic AT (Apalachian Trail)runs right across it's magnificent summit. Yet, The Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC)refuses to recognize this beautiful summit peak as one of The NH 48 4,000 footers!

Why does a 4,580 foot mountain not count as a 4,000 foot mountain you may ask..Good question my inquisitive reader... Well it has something to do with some bullshit-egghead calculation that says a topographic prominence of 200 feet is required for the mountain to be considered a NH 4,000 footer. Huh??? What the fuck is that about?!?!?! So, I started reading about Topographic Prominence and as boredom oozed out my eyeballs I then realized, who gives a shit! The head of this wonderful hunk of stone and granite touches the sky at 4,580 feet..Big fucken deal if some topographist ( is that a word?) and AMC pinhead decided to exclude peaks based on some ridiculous formula... If it looks and smells and tastes like a chicken, it's a fucking chicken!!!

So I am starting a grassroots organization called "Friends of Guyot".. I plan to petition the AMC powers that be to include Guyot and maybe Little Haystack (4,800 feet!!!) as 4,000 foot mountains. If successful, we can change the name of the "New Hampshire 48" to The New Hampshire 50... 50 states, 50 mountains! Or if the AMC doesn't want to change it's 48, we can take a pick-ax to Tecumseh (4,003) and chop 4 feet of of the summit, making it only 3,999 feet, it's a shit hike anyways!.. and/or we can have them dump Owlshead all together, making many a peak-baggers life that much easier!!! 

To show my personal commitment to this project, I ask my trekker friends to officially dub me the trail name of "Captain Guyot". If the request to include Guyot as an official 4,000 footer is not granted, I will organize a protest and, complete with cool signs and bare-breasted woman (for media grabbing purposes only) we will picket and chant "INCLUDE GUYOT.. INCLUDE GUYOT" in front of the AMC building during the April patch award ceremony, disrupting the proceedings and making my qualifier friends, Meena and Ruby the Dog a bit angry!

If you are as passionate as I am about this quest, please pass this post along to like-minded folks.. Your help is greatly appreciated.


Neil Lovett
aka: "Captain Guyot"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A True Story

Don't know the names, so I don't need to protect the innocent, er' I mean ignorant.. but this conversation really took place ( I wrote down as much a possible)..These people thought they were talking intelligently, I swear they did!

Guy: If Obama wasn't born in The United States, how the hell is he President

Girl: I'm not saying the KKK did things right, but I think this wouldn't be happening to us if they were still a group.

Guy: I wouldn't go down south if I was him

Girl: He was just in Deleware

Guy: Well at least he's brave

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Day The Music Died

on september 11, 2001 fucking crazies attacked the town i was born in
and they killed everyone
and we all cried
and we all changed
i watched as the towers fell, crumbling like fiery cidadels in hell
and soot-covered businessmen wandered aimlessly home
i watched fireman run up the molten stairs of death
and cnn's elizabeth cohen cried as she interviewed 100's of fragile, confused souls
whose lost family members would never return
and live fathers mothers sons and daughters jumped from skyscraper buildings and became insignificant ingredients in a hideous rubble-stew
i watched that on tv
like the nameless, faceless fireman who ran up to death's door
nameless faceless airline passengers did the same in the skies above pennsylvania
we couldn't see that on tv
but we all cried
and today september 12 2010 this scene will play out again
not in new york city or
washington dc or in pennsylvania america
but maybe in mogadishu
or bagdad
or london
or off the gulf coast of louisiana
it will happen again
it always does
and nameless faceless people will die
and fragile/confused souls will wonder when their loved ones will come home
and they won't
and they will cry
and change
these times.. it won't be as personal to you
to us
but it will be to them

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Modern Time Dharma Bums

"Try the meditation of the trail, just walk along looking at the trail at your feet and don't look about and just fall into a trance as the ground zips by. trails are like that, you're floating along a Shakespearian Ardin paradise and expect to see nymphs and fluteboys, then suddenly you're struggling in a hot broiling sun of hell in dust and nettles and poison oak... just like life"

I'm adding.. "just like life and marriage"

The original verse are the words of Jack Kerouac from "The Dharma Bums", one of my favorite books. I just read that verse again, this time in "Born To Run" by Christopher McDougall, one of my new favorite books.... Those words inspired me to write this..

Marriage, like life is a vision of sea nymphs and fluteboys.. but as the verse says, it can also be fucked up like the boiling sun of hell and poison oak... So, what better place to hold a wedding than the stage of Kerouac's above written prose, the trail! Brilliant Meena and Dan!!... without knowing it or maybe with knowing it, you kicked off and staged the rest of your lives like any good Dharma Bum, on the road, and on this particular day.. the road/trail/mountain was inclusive of potential good and bad.. a possible hurricane, ever-changing skies.. one minute beautiful skies colored in aqua-grey-black-white and teal.. the next moment damp, black and menacing.. breathtaking panoramic landscape.. nasty fog and wind. In fact hurricane Earl actually looked on.. realizing his wrath wouldn't dampen spirits, only add to resolve and because of that he hovered, just a benign observer.... Humm..The fluteboys/sea nymphs and the hot broiling sun/poison oak Kerouac spoke of....

The hike to the destination was not easy, in fact it was hard and steep.. it taxed your physical and mental self.. but it was a journey set out to be conquered because the potential positives far outweighed the the potential negatives.. and that included weathering whatever Earl decided to throw at us...

So my friends it won't always be sea nymphs and fluteboys, but always remember this union started on a rocky trail wrought with potential disaster and it ended in euphoria and a greater sense of accomplishment about what was done....

You can be truly Dharma Bums, modern day Buddha's, searching together for.............

Sunday, August 29, 2010

5 peaks and 14 Hours later

About 11 hours into my hike not even the power of my newly discovered chia seeds could generate enough energy for my legs to competently negotiate the well over one mile steep downhill required to get back to the Zealand hut.... And, both Ralph and I kind of figured that once we did arrive, there would be no room at the inn for us, meaning an additional 1 1/2 hour hike in the dark down to the car .... Each step downward would pound my legs joints so powerfully that my muscles began a weeble-like wobble that threatened to take me down, like a lion jumping a wildebeest, onto the large, hard and jagged rocks.. I needed to negotiate a safe return to the hut but my legs were threatening otherwise.... Now this may seem a little dramatic, but this terrain was steep,never-ending and booby-trapped with rocks so large, a mistake could easily lead to a break or serious damage of a bone..... Walking straight ahead on flat surface.. ok, any need to navagate, not so much. Problem was that flat surface didn't exist now... Que in cruise control.. the mind takes over where the body begins faltering

The hike to the Bonds is special, and most times getting to precious places is not easy, it takes hard preparation, be it mentally or physically, .... This hike took me thru some of the most beautiful places on earth.. no exaggeration...But it was the feeding of the will to visit these places that bring you to them... I'm finding the secret of personal endurance to be more mental than it is physical.... You have to push yourself to places that before hand, seemed not possible... Training of the mind is a healthy thing....Upon entering the Pemigewasset Wilderness in route to The Bonds there is a sign that reads: "Please treat this special place with care and respect".... I plan to do just that, care and respect the places I visit and care and respect the body and mind that get me there.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Land of the Wabanaki

Long long time ago Acadia National Park was covered in huge sheets of ice and when it melted created a beauty no painter could ever imagine....Then it was inhabited by friendly, peace-loving Wabanaki people ....before the Europeans came in and fucked everything up. The Wabanacki knew nothing of possessions and probably welcomed their fellow Humans from Europe as friends... and we all know how that ended up don't we...

But the one thing that has always been constant over hundreds of millions, maybe billions of years is the sun rising, first in the nation over Cadillac Mountain. The scene is surreal.... and always distinctive from the previous day and the day before that and the day before that... dark night turns a dusty grey... clouds & fog swirl, producing magnificent distorted pattens of light, drizzle and dust... these alter your state of being and awareness from moment to moment... The coolness of the air envelopes and caresses you, as serenity takes hold and tugs at your soul.... AND THEN!.. it appears.. first as a small laser-like speck.. a fiery-red molecule...playfully it disappears.. AGAIN!.. it's there.. a brilliant tab bigger than before, this time dancing, just a little.. disintegrating the fog and dusk as they pass by it's aura.... larger it grows, drinking and gobbling moisture's from fog and air.. feeding itself with hydrating goodness.. flaming it's ultimate power .. almost saying "earth I will let you live at least one more day".. No wonder early human beings worshipped the sun.. it was and is the deity of life.. the one force we know has been there for all our planet since .. since ... well, just since!

And when we stupid human beings completely destroy this beautiful planet earth... when we kill off all living beings as we know them today... when we strip the sheer beauty from our landscape and suck and drain the life bloods from our soil and sea.. STILL! two things will happen to mark each and every new day: 1) the sun will rise over an area that was once called Cadillac Mountain and 2) the spirit of the Wabanaki will weep for what could have been...

Friday, August 13, 2010

You Gotta Run

I am beginning to get it. Unless you are ultra-elite, you run not to knock the snot out of your opponent or to prove your manhood to the world.. You lace up the shoes (or foot pods) to conquer two inanimate objects: 1 is a clock and 2 is your mind. You set a goal, which has only to do with time and space, using only the all-mighty voice inside your head, that drive your body further and further toward things you set to accomplish.

Last night I ran a huge road race in Manchester, almost 6,000 participants. I started with 10 folks, some I knew, some I just met for the first time. We were all of different ages and varying running abilities. We individually finished at different times.... However to a man/woman we were all jubilant in our personal victories, each exceeding our goals for the race... We beat the snot and piss out of our expectations and in turn posted a victory for that voice residing in our heads.

After years of competitive sports, which included inventing any ridiculous excuse under the sun for any loss.. the refs sucked, the ball was dead, the lighting was horrendous, etc, etc.. I think I am beginning to get the attraction to running.. The premise is quite simple.. it's you against the always ticking beat of a clock and you get to set the rules regarding victory and defeat... It's that simple.. I get it, I fucking get it!

Monday, August 9, 2010

12 hours and one little summit

6:00 am, we convene at the Lincoln Woods parking lot.... what was 90+degrees and 100% humidity only 24 or so hours prior is now upper 40 degrees and dam chilly! I am hiking with Dan, Meena, Marianne, Ruby (the dog) and 2 newcomers to my life, Chris & Eileen. I've met Chris once before at a road race but never met Eileen .. Both are young and raring to go after a chilly evening camping in the woods... Eileen is very athletic looking and with a 70.3 sticker(representing the length of a half-ironman) glued to her cars bumper, I found myself a tad intimidated as I laced up my boots for what was going to be an approximate 20 mile and 12 hour trek!

My insecurity didn't last long as we headed into the woods and snapped a few early group photographs that solidified us as a team.. the first 4 miles or so was a flat walk over an old railroad bed, so it gave us time to all get to know each other and strengthen our status as a hiking group.... Dan, cemented his caste as a human GPS, frequently alerted us as to where we were, how long it took us to get there and what mile we've crossed... His knowledge of the White Mountains is impressive but what really perplexes me is the awareness and accuracy of place he is able to maintain in the ever changing topography that are the woods and mountains.... As we hiked thru the changing landscapes of the trail, we learned about The origins of Marianne's "Haunted Hikes of NH" book project, Ruby's beginnings as a Katrina Rescued dog, Chris's place as the City of Manchester's point person for a National Chile competition coming soon to Manch-Vegas, NH.. and a lot of other interesting tidbits of information that combines well while walking in the woods... Meena's naturally bubbly, funny and easy-going personality makes any conversation you have with her fun, I like to stay in ear shot of her when the walking is conducive to conversation....Now we get our first look at Owls' Head thru the trees... It looks a ways away and that's because it god-dam is!!! We are 4 mile or so into this thing and have 4 miles, 4 river crossings, some mildly steep & narrow terrain to go before we hit the steeps of the rock slide and then asent to the summit or summits or whatever (more on this later)

River Crossing # 1: We hit the river Eileen and I think we found a path where we can hop from rock to rock and make it to the other side... Wrong! Half way across, we realize it just ain't gonna happen that way... so Eileen proceeds to find a good size rock to brace herself and remove her shoes and socks... Me, i decide to try to do so on a friggin' stone, wobbling close to dumping myself, my pack and my Droid! into the drink.. Somehow I balance myself enough to get the footwear off and dunk my legs into the freezing cold waters of the stream.. It was a little deep and our route to the other side meandered more than we should of but we did get there and did so without incident.... Meanwhile, on the other side of the rocks stood some campers who had just started cooking their breakfast.. pancakes.... Now, saying that the smell of those pancakes was maybe the sweetest smell I've experienced in my life would not be much of an exaggeration.. Holy shit.. I thought about hitting the cook with my hiking pole and running away with a flapjack! But I didn't, however I did resent them for not offering up a taste....

River Crossings 2,3 & 4: Nothing much to write about here other than Dan said there were 3 crossing and there were actually 4, so every now and then even a GPS is wrong! Don't get me wrong the river Crossings were cool but just can't think of anything that a reader would care about.

The Rock Slide: Now the fun begins..... The entrance to the slide is marked by an arrow carved into a tree, someone built a small Carin at the head of the "trail", but if the human GPS was not with us I'm sure we would have blown right by it. Time to fuel up a little and lighten our pack for the climb.. Dan stashes a Pepsi in the woods to reward himself upon his return, he wanted to dump his pack completely but I machoed him out of that thought.. Up we go.. now this is not an officially sanctioned trail, which means lack of maintaince, so logs, rocks, and other things mean and nasty impede our progress... About 4 hours before Dan had asked me if I had ever climbed I slide, I answered "I don't know".. well I quickly realized as I treked up this friggin mess of nature that I had never before climbed a slide because if i had, I'd fucking remember it! This sucker was a little more than a mile straight up with loose rocks always a hazard of hitting you in the noggin or breaking a limb.... water rushed down and the sun positioned itself just right for beating down on your face! Ruby the dog was in need of a push and tug here and there but it was absolutely amazing how this dog navigated the climb.... Me, i kept a decent pace and took lots of photos because when you turned your head to face away from the mountain, your were treated with one sweet view ... The Lincoln Slide ( a huge rock slide on Mt. Lincoln) was straight ahead.. Panoramic views were breathtaking and watching my fellow climbers huffing it up was entertaining as well.... Chris in all his glorious youth took off at this point, in what seemed like a sprint up .. in fact when we got to the top of the slide he said he thought he may of been lost because he hadn't heard a peep from any of us for a while! No one got konked in the head with a rock, however Marianne did come close to killing Rudy on the way down as she kicked a good size hunk of granite down Ruby's way and with the agility of George W. Bush dodging a shoe, the dog sidestepped the menacing projectile....

The Summit: This summit has to be the weirdest summit in The Whites, if not the world... There was an original summit that was recognized until 1960, but then a woman named Miriam Underhill, with obviously nothing better to do in life, figured out that the summit was about 2/10th's of a mile and a few feet higher to the north.. so as a hiker now you pass the old summit to get to the new summit. The new summit is funny, it's marked by a shale stone ( I am holding in the picture) with the handwritten words "The Summit" and a wood carved sign placed about 20 feet or so up a tree that says "Owls Head"... The 7 of us had a hard time conjugating together on the summit because it is the size of a picnic table.... Good thing most don't want to exert the energy to get there, because if more people came someone would have to be stationed up there to give out bakery numbers for a turn to actually tag the top... I drank my 1st summit boxed lemonade on Owl's head and it was fucking amazing!!!! I also found out that everybody in the world but me hates vegan jerky, as those who i offered a piece to were disgusted with it and i think with me also for offering such shit to them! As we left the summit I was a little foot and leg weary and thought i was going to kill myself hopping over downed trees with mid-evil knots protruding out from all directions.. I worried about piercing something wicked important!

Down the Slide: same as up the slide but a lot more hazardous to your health.... Slip going uphill, you hit the mountain, slip going down hill & the mountain hits you again and again as you bounce off of it..... The downhill was quite a personal endeavor, each of us using technique that was completely representative of one's own sense of survival.. slide down on your ass, use poles, don't use poles... what ever it took to stay attached to the mountain! Eventually we got down with nothing but a few scrapes, bruises and blisters... Dan was able to drink his beloved Pepsi and Meena, being Meena left an unopened lemonade on top of a pack left behind by a hiker to avoid it's weight (this pack weighed in excess of 50 lbs.) climbing the slide... We Hope a bear didn't eat the pack , being attracted by the lemonade....

Ok, so we are 10 miles and some 6 plus hours into this thing, went up and down the slide and as we stand conjugated at the slide base, The Human GPS reminds us we have approximately 8 miles another 6 hours to go before landing back at the parking lot.... Holy mother of Shit!!!... With our feet in different stages of disarray, the sound and sight of the first water crossing back was a joyous occasion.... That ice cold water penetrating beat up and tired feet was almost orgasmic!!! Marianne, Eileen and I left our water shoes on for the 5 miles (or was it 5.1 miles, ask Dan) left after the final water crossing back.... Good move... back on the train tracks was now just a matter of attrition... walk.. walk ... walk... I mentioned i was impressed that to this point nobody was bitching, which immediately brought comments like "This Sucks", "Are we there yet", ect.....A few mountain bikers left their bikes at trail side and the thought of stealing them was pondered and real... We hit the parking lot exactly 12 hours after departing.... Smiles one and all .. The team left for different places to eat and drink... Chris & Eileen to the Woodstock Inn for burgers and Beer, Marianne and Ruby home to Nashua, with a pit stop at Burger King to reward a well deserved effort by a really cool dog (this was #46 of the 48 4,ooo footers for Ruby), dan and meena headed to a Thai restaurant for spicy Thai noodles and Thai Iced tea and I met my wife and daughter at The Common Man in Lincoln for a Common Man Ale, a cup of mushroom soup and a vegetarian dinner plate..... My daughter Melissa saw me though the window of the restaurant as i labored to the door and laughed at the spaz her father had been reduced to trying to walk!!!

My seventh 4,ooo footer climb proved to be a great day with wonderful, diverse people and a dog... A hike i won't forget soon!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Mountain Wins Again

Tuesday July 27th: Road training took us up the steep one mile Summit Road to the summit of Mount Uncanoonuc in Goffstown. The total length of the run is a 5K (3.2 miles)... 5 of us started at the base of the road (that eventually turned to 6 + a dog), all not looking thrilled to be there. I had just come from the gym so i was actually pissed at being there, but the inevitable tag of "pussy" was a great motivator to get my ass to the starting line.

Dan, Meena, Doren.. along with newcomer Ann and I headed up the steep one mile incline of "south Unc".. Now for a seasoned runner, this steep may just be a pimple on the ass of the road, but to me this uphill run was like running in quicksand... The little devil & angel guys who reside on your shoulders in such moments were tortuously fucking with my head.. Angel guy " keep running"... devil guy "fuck it Neil, let's go home and start drinking".. on and on they went.. in days past Devil Guy would have gotten the nod, but this new Angel Guy is persistent and getting stronger with each run.

So, dan and I get to the top of quicksand hill about the same time (ok dan was in front of me when we got up) but the good news is we both took a full minute off our time up the hill from the last time we ran this course... That result had Angel Guy hooting and hollering, while Devil Guy was back in his lair trying to figure out a way to get me drinking and soon!...

Once up quicksand hill we are suppose to do 4 laps around the summit and tear ass back down the steep, which now miraculously has somehow turned from quick sand to ice.... Doren, who's young strong and fast (asshole!) tears by me.. i figure he just lapped me, so i decide to do another lap around the top... little did I know that the youngster stopped along the way to take a piss, so he was just catching up to me.. that meant Neil did 5 laps around the summit.. wow am I stupid! After my fifth lap dan is curiously standing at the starting point of the down hill, he says he did his 4th lap and was waiting for late starter & newcomer Miriam and her dog (I've met some cool dogs the last few weeks) so they could go down together. I didn't understand how this could be because dan too had stopped to use nature's facilities soon after we reached the summit and he did not pass me since.... oh well, whatever, so down the hill i go... now i don't profess to being anything near a great runner but put me on a down hill and I am fucking impressive!!!! I was hauling down sooo fast my feet were literally burning, even devil guy was having a pisser at this moment! If I blow out a knee or something going at this speed, my skin would resemble some sort of steak tartar dish with ketchup and that's if I survived the crash, otherwise either devil guy or angel guy would be escorting me to my new home (devil guy may win this battle)..... I hit the bottom and there stands Meena and doran wondering why I didn't get down prior to Meena who never passed me on the top.. 5 laps at the summit my friends, that's why.. i am an animal!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, great run with fun people ... Devil guy was friggin' pissed when i broke out a bottle of coconut milk to celebrate the end of the run.. I think he feels for now anyway, he is loosing his buddy...

Here is some interesting facts about The Unc:

Uncanoonuc Mountain was a historically important Snow Train area - for two reasons! First, many skiers from Massachusetts took a Snow Train to near the mountain, and were then brought to the area. Once at the area, they took one of skiing's only incline railroads (originally built in 1905 as a summer tourist attraction) to the summit. This railroad was similar in concept to the Cog Railway which still operates on Mt. Washington.

Monday, July 26, 2010

What a long strange trip it's been

July 22nd thru July 25th brought a weird confluence of circumstances. One minute I think I have an agreement on an awesome plot of land to build the foundation for the next phase of my life, then whamm..... Karen looses her job and shit comes to a grinding halt...errrrrrr........ Ok reality check..... what to do... well first I need to run my first ever 10K road race, that will get my mind off of things.. So off I go, thru the heat, fumes and exhaust of a fairly busy airport thru road I run and run...... 6 miles 376 yards 4 and 25/32 inches and 1 hour and 4 minutes later I finish and i still have gas in my tank! So i realize my fledgling fascination with running requires I figure out how to finish a run on empty in order to obtain maximum time. Anyway, I am happy with my results.
Race ends, still wondering about life with one income.. what to do? Hike of course. So Karen and dogs Phil and Maggy and I take off for the hills and a chance to conquer the Welsh/Dickey Loop.... a relatively short hike (around 4.4 miles round trip) with a fairly steep ledge climb and interesting terrain changes..... However the prize of this trek is the extra ordinary views that are had during most of the hike.... Karen, the dogs and I sweat our way up the slippery slope.. sliding up and down wet ledge rock until we tap our feet on the 2 peaks we came to scale.. Mission accomplished.. down to the parking lot and the nirvana-like experience of removing ones hiking boots and socks and replacing them with open toe Keens.... The evening ends by watching a Jim Carey movie called the "Yes Man"... more about this later.

Hike ends, movie ends... still wondering about life with one income.. what to do? Celebrate Melissa's 20th birthday of course! Ok she is 20, so don't expect her up at 6:30 like her dad, so time to hit the gym.. legs feel like spaghetti from my run and hike so concentrate on upper body work out.. ok.. came back feeling like a cripple.. Melissa is up, give her her presents (no surprise she helped pick it out), mow the lawn.. then a nap.. imagine that a nap, haven't done that in years.. I recommend it... this idea has to have some application for work, doesn't it?? But i digress, next it's the birthday dinner.. off to Picola's we go for pasta and a cheese cake desert , complete with candle and a really bad rendition of the song "Happy Birthday to you"... My little girl is 20, that has psychological implications in it self.. but i won't bore you with that crap.

Birthday ends, still wondering about life on one income... What to do??? Ok, back to Jim Carey and "The Yes Man"..... In the movie Jim is an unhappy negative person, he goes to a seminar and learns to say " yes" to everything... By doing so he spits in the face of risk, gets a job promotion, gets punched out by a big guy, meets a cool girl and is able to blow off his ex-wife who suddenly wants to screw him again... all good shit, except the getting punched in the face thing... but the movie spoke to me saying "spit in the face of adversity".. So as stupid as this seems I decided fuck it, I am going to buy my land as previously planned... have confidence in Karen's ability to get herself a good job quick... run and hike my ass off to dull the ever-menacing thoughts of negativity and doubt ... and enjoy the rest of the summer with my family and friends.. Oh and by the way, thanks to my running guru from work who gave me an early Christmas present in the form of an enrollment... I am now signed up to run my first 1/2 marathon (21,097.5 meters, or 13 7⁄64 miles, about 13.1 miles) on November 12th, one day before I turn 52 (holy shit!)

What a long strange trip it's been... oh and don't tell anyone but Melissa's tuition is due in 2 weeks or so......

pic above: land I am purchasing

In The beginning

Ok, Not sure where to start.... this is my first post ever on a blog. The goal of this blog is to create on-line diary of the shit I do. It may not be interesting to you, may not even be interesting to me but i think I'll piece together something worth while.

Follow Me if you care..........