Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Day The Music Died

on september 11, 2001 fucking crazies attacked the town i was born in
and they killed everyone
and we all cried
and we all changed
i watched as the towers fell, crumbling like fiery cidadels in hell
and soot-covered businessmen wandered aimlessly home
i watched fireman run up the molten stairs of death
and cnn's elizabeth cohen cried as she interviewed 100's of fragile, confused souls
whose lost family members would never return
and live fathers mothers sons and daughters jumped from skyscraper buildings and became insignificant ingredients in a hideous rubble-stew
i watched that on tv
like the nameless, faceless fireman who ran up to death's door
nameless faceless airline passengers did the same in the skies above pennsylvania
we couldn't see that on tv
but we all cried
and today september 12 2010 this scene will play out again
not in new york city or
washington dc or in pennsylvania america
but maybe in mogadishu
or bagdad
or london
or off the gulf coast of louisiana
it will happen again
it always does
and nameless faceless people will die
and fragile/confused souls will wonder when their loved ones will come home
and they won't
and they will cry
and change
these times.. it won't be as personal to you
to us
but it will be to them

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