Sunday, August 22, 2010

Land of the Wabanaki

Long long time ago Acadia National Park was covered in huge sheets of ice and when it melted created a beauty no painter could ever imagine....Then it was inhabited by friendly, peace-loving Wabanaki people ....before the Europeans came in and fucked everything up. The Wabanacki knew nothing of possessions and probably welcomed their fellow Humans from Europe as friends... and we all know how that ended up don't we...

But the one thing that has always been constant over hundreds of millions, maybe billions of years is the sun rising, first in the nation over Cadillac Mountain. The scene is surreal.... and always distinctive from the previous day and the day before that and the day before that... dark night turns a dusty grey... clouds & fog swirl, producing magnificent distorted pattens of light, drizzle and dust... these alter your state of being and awareness from moment to moment... The coolness of the air envelopes and caresses you, as serenity takes hold and tugs at your soul.... AND THEN!.. it appears.. first as a small laser-like speck.. a fiery-red molecule...playfully it disappears.. AGAIN!.. it's there.. a brilliant tab bigger than before, this time dancing, just a little.. disintegrating the fog and dusk as they pass by it's aura.... larger it grows, drinking and gobbling moisture's from fog and air.. feeding itself with hydrating goodness.. flaming it's ultimate power .. almost saying "earth I will let you live at least one more day".. No wonder early human beings worshipped the sun.. it was and is the deity of life.. the one force we know has been there for all our planet since .. since ... well, just since!

And when we stupid human beings completely destroy this beautiful planet earth... when we kill off all living beings as we know them today... when we strip the sheer beauty from our landscape and suck and drain the life bloods from our soil and sea.. STILL! two things will happen to mark each and every new day: 1) the sun will rise over an area that was once called Cadillac Mountain and 2) the spirit of the Wabanaki will weep for what could have been...

1 comment:

  1. Great post true, we humans love to fuck up our is a sin.:(
